Recharge the mind- and change your life!

Recharge the mind . . .and change your life!

We sometime feel bored and sometime we feel low and emotionally weak and yet we do not know why. Many people in this hectic world facing the same problem day in and day out especially those who work in offices and factories. When life is too monotonous we will get bored and when we are bored we will feel stressful then we will be getting impatient whether at home or in the work place.
We can’t see it. We can’t taste it. We don’t even smell it. But it’s there. And, it’s pervasive. STRESS! Day in and day out our senses are bombarded with the effects of stress. Our nervous system is over-charged. Our health suffers and our communication is negatively affected. The stress takes hold of our attitude and before we know it lash out at the very people who are close to us.
Everything in our life and surroundings are affected by our attitude. Our self-image suffers. If it is left unchecked our life can literally begin to fall apart at the seams. we tend to blame the surrounding and others for the unpleasant feeling that we have but little did we realised that the source of the problems lies within ourselves. After all the accomplishment on our career ,we feed our body well daily but we did not feed our mind enough. At times we do relax our body but little did we relex our mind.
We feeds our body with nutrition to prevent ourselves from sickness .Like wise the mind need to be fed with motivational thoughts. People who listen to motivational tapes and CDs will be less stressful. Most of people would think that we can relax our mind when we are sleeping. That is true if really sleep well and long enough . If we have a proper relaxation the mind will re-charge itself and we will feel energetic and fresh in morning when we wake up. We realised that most the time we don’t.The most effective method for us to recharge our mind is through Meditation. The right motivation and meditation will recharge the mind and will our lives for the better.

Self Realization

How To Be Successful During the Recession

Many of us at one time in our lives would have ask "How do we build a Successful life." Some of those who have the curiosity about life are usually those who find the way of Success at an earlier age. I'm just like many of you that have experienced the ups and downs side of life. Ever since the age of 18, I have been asking myself those question such as, " Why can't I be Successful?","How do I become Successful?"," Where can I learn the secrets towards a Successful Life?" I'm not different from the majority of those who have been searching and searching but not finding. Little did I realized that I missed the most important question about Success that is the "What" question. I then started to ask myself "What do I want to be successful in?" What is real the definition of success that I have been struggling for, all this while? I then realized that the Success I have been searching is not something I can compare with other people. To me success need not be a physical object at all. Success should be better classify as a state of emotion or a feeling of achievement. If that's so then how do I quantify success or being successful? Well, I would say that I acquired the feeling of successful whenever I did something better than what I could have normally done. Yes, it should be a comparison of achievement compare to our own past action. We shall not compare and have the feeling of successful comparing with others. You see, sometimes we did not realized that we did not have the capability, such as financial or physical build that others may have. No matter how hard we tried and getting the best couch we cannot have the same vocal like Michael Jackson, we cannot compete with the player in NFA and cannot compete in a beauty contest. On the other hand, if we compare with others sometimes it may even downgraded our achievement as we may not realized, we could even have ten times the capability of that person. When I started to challenge myself, I have made achievements after achievements. We need not have to tell others of our successful story .We will being ask to tell whenever we meet an old friend or relative. This is the Successful Feeling that you could have after the effort that you have put in. Therefore start challenging yourself and stop comparing with others.
Once you understand the Really Raylee® secret of Success. The next step is to define the type of success that is Really Raylee® required, then set the Really Raylee® right mindset and use the Really Raylee® right tools towards the achievement.
by Raymond Lee
Copyright Http://

Life is Dead Without Motivation and Innovation

Motivation and Innovation

Life is meaningless if it is too monotonous. Everyone in this crazy world would like to see, feel and experience new things in life from time to time . Life is dead without Innovation. We somehow get a better feeling when we uses something new, be it physical things such as clothings, Music gadgets(iPods Nano), watches, Handbags , driving new cars, reading a new book etc. or somehow the experience of going to a new places, journey to the outer space, to planet MARS, journey to the Deep Blue Ocean etc. and our own insight Innovation. Well, it all comes back to one thing that is to make our self feels better. There are some who just like to attend Motivation seminars , to get motivated to stay ahead of this economic down trend. Well, others it is really crazy to dump their saving to those so call motivational Guru, just for a few hours of "better feeling" somehow life go on as usual on the very next day. Yup! Some really got motivated , I can't denied that , but most got demotivated then for loosing a lump some of money to the Motivators. Anyway those who got demotivated got to be motivated again soon when life is reallyraylee down. This process will repeat itself for how long...God knows. Some coaches may say " if you don't pay us your money , you'll still loose it somewhere. At least you got motivated for a few hours...". I fully agreed on that. There is no different than going to the concerts or movies, that is the value of the amount of money you paid for. I used to hear some humble commend " You've got to be complacent and contented" . Well, I don't buy that.
motivation and innovation to be from within ourselves. It is the insight rather than out sight.
One is capable of feeling better from Meditation , it will be supreme and others may just get an iPod and listen to a better songs or a new music from time to time.


Testing only ... UYMG 30th Sept.2007